Division of Design of Experiments is one of the important Divisions of ICAR- Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi. This division is engaged in teaching, research, training, student guidance, advisory and consultancy service related to designing and analysis of experiments for agriculture, animal science, fisheries and all other allied sciences. The division has made many notable contributions in both basic research and innovative applications of the theory of statistical designs and analysis of experimental data. Some of the areas are: Designs for single factor experiments which include variance balanced, efficiency balanced and partially efficiency balanced designs; designs for tests versus control(s) comparisons; designs for multi-response experiments; crossover designs; designs with nested structures; neighbour balanced designs; optimal designs, robustness aspects of designs w.r.t. different disturbances like outliers, trend effects, auto-correlation etc. Designs for multi-factor experiments which include confounded designs for symmetrical and asymmetrical factorials; block designs with factorial structure, α-designs, response surface designs, mixture experiments for single and multifactor experiments; cost effective factorial designs, orthogonal main effect plans.
Head- Design of Experiments
Orthogonal arrays; supersaturated designs, Split plot designs, strip plot designs. Designs for bioassays; designs for microarray experiments and designs for agroforestry experiments. Diagnostics in designed field experiments, algorithmic intervention for construction of designs for various experimental settings; etc. Research work carried out on balanced incomplete block designs, partially balanced incomplete block designs, group divisible designs, factorial experiments, response surface designs, experiments with mixtures etc. have been adopted widely by the experimenters in NARES. The scientists of the division used to participate actively in planning and designing of experiments in the NARES and have also involved themselves in the analysis of experimental data from a wide range of experiments which results in multi institutional collaborative research publications in national and international journal of repute.
For dissemination and e-advisory on designed experiments, Design Resources Server (www.iasri.res.in/design) has been developed in the division which is being viewed throughout the globe and used extensively in NARES. Beside, divisional scientists are involved in development of a number of Web solutions for generation of experimental designs and online analysis of experimental data for different experimental settings. Scientist from the division over the time are also actively involved in Planning, designing and analysis of data relating to experiments under different AICRPs like (i) Integrated Farming System (IFS); (ii) Long Term Fertilizer Experiments (LTFE); (iii) Soil Test Crop Response Correlation (STCR); (iv) Rapeseed and Mustard; (v) Sorghum; (vi) Wheat and Barley and (vii) Vegetable Crops. Scientist of the division are also actively involved in ICAR Research Data Management in the form of KRISHI portal where different repositories have been developed which are being globally accessed by different researchers. Division is playing prominent role in NARES by developing human resource through organization of customized training programmes in the area of experimental designs and statistical data analysis under the aegis of Centre for advance faculty training, Human resource management, Summer and Winter school of ICAR. Division also organizes a number of customized national and international training for a variety of organization. Beside, scientists from the division are actively involved in teaching of various courses and student guidance in different disciplines of PG School, IARI.
Cini Varghese
Principal Scientist & Professor
Susheel Kumar Sarkar
Senior Scientist
Sukanta Dash
Anindita Datta
Md. Harun
Sunil Kumar Yadav
Rajinder Singh Tomar
Chief Technical Officer
Bhakta Ram Modak