Our Milestones

2011 Maize AgriDaksh and Expert System on Seed Spices launched

Indian NARS Statistical Computing Portal initiated

M.Sc. degree in Bioinformatics initiated

2012 Software for Survey Data Analysis (SSDA) 2.0 released

Division of Biometrics and Statistical Modelling re-named as Division of Statistical Genetics

Division of Forecasting & Econometrics Techniques re-named as Division of Forecasting & Agricultural System Modeling

Development of Management Information System (MIS) including Financial Management System (FMS) in ICAR initiated

Half-Yearly Progress Monitoring (HYPM) System in ICAR implemented

Sample Survey Resources Server initiated

2013 Advanced Supercomputing Hub for OMICS Knowledge in Agriculture (ASHOKA) and National Biocomputing Portal inaugurated High Performance Computing (HPC) System for Biological Computing established

Ph.D. degree in Computer Application initiated

IASRI Campus Wi-Fi enabled

Certified as ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) Institute

2014 FAO Sponsored Study under the Global Strategy for Improvement of Agricultural Statistics initiated (FAO Consultancy in Institutional Mode)
2015 KRISHI-Knowledge based Resources Information Systems Hub for Innovations in agriculture portal has been launched as a centralized data repository system of ICAR.

Declared as National Level Agency (NLA) under MIDH (Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture)

ICAR Data Centre established at IASRI acquired the certification for ISO/IEC 20000 and

ISO/IEC 27001 for IT-service management and information security legislation respectively

2016 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Knowledge Network and Mobile Application developed and launched

Developed sampling methodologies for estimation of crop area and yield under mixed and continuous cropping for different situations and field tested in three countries identified by the FAO.

Developed Personnel Management System, for managing the cadre strength and transfer of the scientific staff and implemented in ICAR.

2017 Guidelines for estimating post-harvest losses of horticultural crops (fruits and vegetables), livestock (meat and milk) and fish (capture and culture fisheries)/fish products
2018 Education Portal-ICAR developed and launched.

Development of Mobile Apps initiated


Webserver and Mobile App, VISTa (Variety Identification System of Triticum aestivum) developed


Gold Icon Award in Open Data Championship Category from Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India for ICAR Research Data Management Initiative KRISHI-MEGH: The Cloud Hardware Infrastructure and Software Services, as a step forward towards digital agriculture of the ‘New India’ has been commissioned and launched. IT Unit created


KISAAN 2.0 (Krishi Integrated Solution for Agri Apps Navigation) App

Established Virtual Classroom in 18 Agricultural Universities & Agri-Diksha Web Education Channel

Kisan-SARATHI- System of Agri-information Resources Auto-transmission and Technology Hub Interface, initiated in collaboration with Digital India Corporation, MEITY, Govt. of India



KCC-CHAKSHU ( Kisan Call Centre Collated Historcally Aggregated Knowledge-based System with Hypertext User-interface: KCC Chakshu

Artifical Intelligence Based Disease Identification System of Crops (AI-DISC)

1991 Burroughs B-4700 system replaced by a Super Mini COSMOS LAN Server
1992 Administration-cum-Training Block of the Institute was inaugurated
1993-94 Nomenclature of M.Sc. (Computer Application in Agriculture) degree changed to M.Sc.(Computer Application)
1995 Center of Advanced Studies in Agricultural Statistics & Computer Application.

Established by Education Division, ICAR.

1996 Establishment of Remote Sensing & GIS lab with latest software facilities.

Outside funded projects initiated.

1997 Senior Certificate Course in ‘Agricultural Statistics and Computing’ revived.

Establishment of modern computer laboratories.

First software in India for generation of design along with its randomised layout SPBD release 1.0

1998 Four divisions of the Institute re-named as Sample Survey, Design of Experiments, Biometrics and Computer Applications

Training programmes in statistics for non-statisticians in National Agricultural Research System initiated

1999 Strengthening of LAN & Intranet with Fibre optics & UTP cabling

Substantial growth in outside funded projects and training programmes

2000 Two divisions re-named as Division of Forecasting Techniques and Econometrics
2001 Data Warehousing activities (INARIS project under NATP) initiated
2002 Establishment of National Information System on Animal Experiments Laboratory

Development of PIMSNET (Project Information Management System on Internet) for NATP

2003 Establishment of National Information System on Long-term Fertilizer Experiments funded by AP Cess Fund

Development of PERMISnet (A software for Online Information on Personnel Management in ICAR System)

First indigenously developed software on windows platform released Statistical Package for Factorial Experiments (SPFE) 1.0

2004 National Information System on Agricultural Education  (NISAGENET) Project launched.

Training Programme for private sector initiated and conducted training programme for E.I. DuPont India Private Limited.

E-Library Services Initiated.

2005 Statistical Package for Augmented Designs (SPAD) and Statistical Package for Agricultural Research (SPAR) 2.0 released

Design Resources Server with an aim to provide E-advisory in NARES initiated

Strengthening of Reproductive Lab with colour photocopier

Installation of Digital Telephone Exchange

2007 Establishment of Agricultural Bioinformatics Laboratory (ABL)
2008 Software for Survey Data Analysis (SSDA) 1.0 released
2009 Golden Jubilee Celebration Year of the Institute

Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS initiated

Expert System on Wheat Crop Management launched

International Training Hostel inaugurated

2010 Establishment of National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid (NABG) in ICAR and Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics [CABin] initiated

Division of Biometrics re-named as Division of Biometrics and Statistical Modelling

Division of Forecasting Techniques and Division of Econometrics merged to form Division of Forecasting andEconometrics Techniques

1977 Three storeyed Computer Centre Building inaugurated.

Installation of third generation computer system, Burroughs B-4700.

1978 Re-named as Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI)
1983 Identified as Centre of Advanced Studies in Agricultural Statistics and Computer.

Applications under the aegis of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

1985-86 New Course leading to M.Sc. degree in  Computer Application in Agriculture, initiated
1989 Commercialization of SPAR 1.0
1952 Activities of Statistical Wing further expanded and diversified with the recommendations of FAO experts, Dr. Frank Yates and Dr. DJ Finney
1955 Statistical Wing moved to its present campus in own building (presently Sample Survey Block) and Hostel (presently Panse Hostel)
1956 Collaboration with AICRP initiated
1959 Re-designated as Institute of Agricultural Research Statistics (IARS)
1964 Installation of IBM 1620 Model-II Electronic Computer

Panse Hostel for Students

Signing of MOU with IARI, New Delhi to start new courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Statistics

1970  Status of a full fledged Institute in the ICAR system, headed by Director  New Hostel for students (presently Sukhatme Hostel)
1930 Statistical Section created under ICAR (then Imperial Council of Agricultural Research)
1940 Activities of the Section strengthened with the appointment of Dr. PV Sukhatme
1943 Research in developing techniques for crop yield estimation based on the methods of random sampling initiated
1945 Re-organisation of Statistical Section into Statistical Branch headed by a Statistical Advisor as a centre for research and training in the field of Agricultural Statistics and Junior Certificate Course and Senior Certificate Courses started
1949 Statistical Branch rechristened as Statistical Wing of ICAR