
Viewing Information in Various File Formats

The information provided by this portal is available in various file formats, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Word, Excel and PowerPoint. To view the information properly, your browser need to have the required plug-ins or software. For example, the Adobe Flash software is required to view the Flash files. In case your system does not have this software, you can download it from the Internet for free. The table lists the required plug-ins needed to view the information in various file formats.

Note: To view Microsoft Office 2007 files, install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack along with the respective viewer.

Various File Formats

Accessibility Help

Use the accessibility options provided by this Web site to control the screen display. These options allow changing the text size and color scheme for clear visibility and better readability.

Text Size Icons

Following different options are provided in the form of icons which are available on the top of each page:

  • Decrease text size: Allows to decrease the text size down to two levels.
  • Normal text size: Allows to set default text size.
  • Increase text size: Allows to increase the text size up to two levels.

Accessibility Options

Changing the Color Scheme

Changing the color scheme refers to applying a suitable background and text color that ensures clear readability. There are two options provided to change the color scheme. These are:

  • Default: applies white color as the background and black color to the foreground text to set the default contrast.
  • White on Black : Applies black color as the background and white color to the foreground text to improve readability.

Note: Changing the color scheme does not affect the images on the screen.

Do you need further help?

If you need further help, please contact us